
Privacy Policy

The purpose of is to describe LYTFOX’s activities and services. It is primarily meant for prospective clients, and their providers and caregivers.

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Unless personal information is explicitly provided by those who contract our services, we do not collect any data that could be used to identify individuals visiting our site. Any personal information provided by the Participants, Providers, any Consultants who work with us is used exclusively for serving their needs. Access to such information is limited to those who work directly on the relevant case.

Retention of Personal Information

We retain information as long as it is relevant to serving our clients. In some cases this can extend beyond the duration of a specific contract, but personal information can be obliterated at any time in accordance with the wishes of the individual.

Use of Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to collect general data about traffic on our website. This information is used in the interests of helping current and potential Participants find us and improving our usefulness for them. In accordance with our privacy policy and Google’s terms of service, no personal information is collected, tracked, or monitored.

Use of Cookies itself does not use any cookies to collect personal information or track visitor behavior.


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